2020 Annual Conference Agenda and Documents
2020 Virtual Annual Agenda and Documents
Board I Saturday, June 27, 2020 -- 12:30pm - 2:30pm ET / 9:30am - 11:30am PT on Zoom
Board II Saturday, June 27, 2020 -- 3:30pm - 5:30pm ET / 12:30pm - 2:30pm PT on Zoom
Members are welcome to enter the Zoom conference and mute their microphones. Please type in your name in the chat box, this will stand as our attendance sheet. If there is a question, type it in the chatbox. Once acknowledged by the chair of the board, you will be unmuted, and you can voice your question or concern. Members are welcome to share their comments, ideas, requests, etc. during the “Information Forum” that begins each meeting. If several guests want to speak, it may be necessary to set time limits for speaking. Members may not introduce new topics or speak during the board's general business unless called upon by the President for input.
AGENDA* – 6/27/2020 (learn more about board agendas and documents)
We’ll pause in the agenda to accommodate 10 min. information exchanges with:
- BARC Representative, Peter Hepburn at on Board II
- ALA Executive Board Representative, Maria McCauley, at Board II
Board I
Information Forum
- Kate Denier, on behalf of the EDI Anti-Racism subcommittee of the Board
- Gregory Lum
- Other comments
Consent Items (these are typically items discussed or acted on in between in-person meetings, or are reports submitted for the board's review)
Item #1. Minutes from the 2020 Midwinter Meeting -
Josie Watanabe............................................1/24/2020 (in discussion)
Item #2 Virtual meeting dispensation for Award Committees -
Todd Krueger……………………………….. 4/9/2020 (proposal approved)
Item #3 YALSA Advocacy Resources: Community Listening Task Force –
Josie Watanabe ………………………………4/9/2020 (proposal approved)
Item #4 Reconsidering the 2020 YALSA Symposium -
Todd Krueger………………………………….4/30/2020 (proposal approved)
Item #5 Greenlighting a Strategic Planning Consultant -
Todd Krueger and Amanda Barnhart ………..5/5/2020 (proposal approved)
Item #6 Defunding the Teen Summit to Apply Funds to Strategic Planning -
Todd Krueger and Amanda Barnhart………….5/5/2020 (proposal approved)
Item #7 Meeting Virtually Due to the Cancellation of the ALA Annual Conference 2020 -
Todd Krueger and Kate Denier……………….5/12/2020 (proposal approved)
Item #8 YALS Editor Report -
Yolanda Hood……………........................................6/22/20 (report accepted)
Item #9 JRLYA Editor Report-
Robin A. Moeller, Ph.D.............................................6/16/20 (report accepted)
Item #10 YALSAblog Manager Report -
Tess Wilson .................................................................6/ /20 (awaiting report)
Item #11 The Hub Manager Report -
Stephen Ashley.........................................................6/22/20 (report accepted)
Item #12 Teen Programming HQ Report
Dawn Abron....................................................................6/24/20 (report accepted)
Item #13 May Chair Reports -
Letitia Smith...............................................................6/17/20 (reports accepted)
Action Items:
Item #14 Bylaws Language Change For Meetings -
Kate Denier……………………………….........……….. 6/19/20 (report accepted)
Item #15 Creation of a Selection List Oversight Committee -
Todd Krueger……………………………..........………….6/19/20 (report accepted) Report revised (07/28/2020)
Item #16 President's Taskforce-
Amanda Barnhart………………………………….....……6/22/20 (report accepted)
Discussion Items:
Item #17 Morris Award Manual Task Force -
Kim Dare…………………………………………………… 6/23/20 (report accepted)
Item #18 Odyssey Group Recommendations Part 2 -
Rob Bittner………………………………………....………..6/23/20 (report accepted)
Item #19 FY 2020 First Quarter Fiscal Report
Tammy Dillard-Steels …………………………….............. 6/25/20 (report accepted) Report Revised (07/29/2020)
Board II
New Business:
Item #20 YALSA Councilor Annual Activities Update (5 min.) -
Abigail Phillips ………………………………………………….. 6/25/20 (report accepted)
Item #21 Interim Strategic Plan -
Tammy Dillard-Steels……………………………….....…….6/19/ 20 (report accepted)
Item #22 Pura Belpre’ MOU -
Todd Krueger and Tammy Dillard-Steels……………………6/22/20 (report accepted)
Item #23 NAMLE Alliance MOU -
Todd Krueger and Tammy Dillard-Steels……….……………..6/25/20 (report accepted)
Item #24 Adoption & Presentation of Resolutions -
Todd Krueger ...................................................................06/23/2020 (report accepted)
Item #25 Installation of New Board Members –
Todd Krueger and Amanda Barnhart…….......................……6/23/20 (report accepted)
Informational Items –
Item #26 Guidelines for Board Meetings -
YALSA Handbook............................................................... 6/17/2020 (report accepted)
Item #27 Preliminary 2021 Conference Information -
Tammy Dillard-Steels............................................................... 6/26/20 (report accepted)
Item #28 Board & Staff Liaisons for 2020 – 2021 –
Amanda Barnhart..................................................................... 6/14/20 (report accepted)
Item #29 Communications Update –
Anna Lam............................................................................. 6/19/2020 (report accepted)
Item #30 Continuing Education and IMLS Update –
Ni’Shele Jackson and Linda Braun.............................................. 6/19/20 (report accepted)
Item #31 Events & Conferences Update –
Nichole O’Connor ................................................................... 06/19/2020 (report accepted)
Item #32 Membership Update –
Letitia Smith ...................................................................................06/24/20 (report accepted)
Item #33 Reimagining the Alex Award -
Kali Olson…………………………........................................……….6/23/20 (report accepted)
Item #34 Social Media Task Force -
Franklin Escobedo……………………………..……...............................(Discussion forthcoming)
Item #35 Outstanding Books for the College Bound -
Yolanda Hood…………………………………………….....................…6/23/20 (report accepted)
Item #36 EDI Task Force 1: Promoting Professional Success for Underrepresented Groups within YALSA -
David Wang ……………………………….....................................……..6/23/20 (report accepted)
Item #37 EDI Task Force 2: Encouraging LIS and iSchools to Include EDI Plan Elements in Curricula-
KE Hones…………………………...........................................………….6/23/20 (report accepted)
Item #38 EDI Task Force 3: Modeling Services and Programs to Include EDI Plan Elements -
Sarah Ryan……………………………...................................……………6/23/20 (report accepted)
Item #39 EDI Task Force 4: Addressing Institutional Bias and Racism in Libraries -
Eric Schoenbaechler……………………………...........................…………6/23/20 (report accepted)
Item #40 Joann Sweetland Lum Grant Report -
Gregory Lum ………………………….........................………………….. 6/22/2020 (report accepted)
Item #41 ALA Liaison Report to the Board-
Gina Seymour ………………………….........................………………….. 6/26/2020 (report accepted)
** last updated, 11:03am, July 29, 2020 (Items #15 and #19 revised)