2014 Fall Executive Committee Meeting Agenda and Documents

2014 Fall Executive Committee Meeting Agenda and Documents


OCTOBER 25-26, 2014


The mission of YALSA is to expand and strengthen library services for teens and young adults. Through its member-driven advocacy, research, and professional development initiatives, YALSA builds the capacity of libraries and librarians to engage, serve, and empower teens and young adults.

Executive Committee I Sat., Oct. 25, 9:00 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 5:00

Executive Committee II Sun. Oct. 26, 8:30 - noon

AGENDA – 10/17/14*

*Please note that the times in parentheses are suggestions only

Call to Order

Approval of the Agenda

Action Items

Item #1. Debrief from Friday ALA Strategic Planning (15 min)—Chris Shoemaker................. 10/14/14

Item #2. Committee Appointments (15 min)—Candice Mack........................................................10/21/14

Item #3. Advocates’ Panel Process (20 min)—Shannon Peterson............................................... 10/14/14

Item #4. Follow Up from Joint Executive Committee Meeting (20 min)--Chris......................... 10/14/14

Item #5. Training for In-Coming Chairs & Committee Members (20 min)--Chris..................... 10/14/14

Discussion Items

Item #6. Board Member Exit Interviews (20 min)—Shannon....................................................... 10/8/14

Item #7. FY14 Final Figures & Implications for FY15 (30 min)—L. Braun & B. Yoke..............10/20/14

Item #8. 2014 – 2015 Strategic Committee Task List Progress (30 min)—Chris........................ 10/14/14

Item #9. Standing Board Committees / Action Plan (30 min)—Chris.................................................10/23/14

Item #10. Association Outcomes for YALSA (30 min)—Linda Braun........................................ 10/12/14

Item #11. Margaret Edwards Trust (30 min) – Linda.................................................................... 10/12/14

Item #12. Prioritizing Futures Report Next Steps (30 min) – Vicki Emery.................................. 10/10/14

Item #13. Addressing Capacity at the Member Level (30 min)—Candice................................... 10/16/14

Item #14. Facilitating Big Picture Thinking with the Board (30 min)—Chris..................................10/17/14

Item #15. Change Management and YALSA (30 min)—Carrie Kausch...................................... 10/13/14

Item #16. Student Member Engagement (20 min)—Mary Anne Nichols.................................... 10/12/14

Item #17. YALSA Member Survey Results (30 min) – Letitia Smith & Beth.............................. 10/17/14

Item #18. Draft Programming Guidelines (20 min) – Hayden Bass.............................................. 10/15/14

Item #19. YALSA Strategic Planning (2.5 hrs) – Chris................................................................ 10/17/14

Informational Items

Item #20. ALA Council Update—Vicki......................................................................................... 10/7/14

Item #21. Slate for ’15 YALSA Election— P. Dando & T. Lesesne ............................................. 10/1/14

Item #22. Midwinter 2015 Update—Beth.................................................................................... 10/14/14

Item #23. Annual Conference 2015 Update—Beth...................................................................... 10/14/15
