Zoodles 3.4.4

Inquisitive Minds, Inc. http://www.zoodles.com/ Download. Ages 3 - 10. Collections: Home, Public Library. $7.95/month or $39.95 for 6 months. Free version available.


Zoodles offers a wide range of games for children ages 3 - 10, from math and reading games to adventure games and typical computer games. The free version contains a large amount of advertising and commercial games with television and movie tie-ins. However, the paid version allows customization for each child in the household and parental controls that allow the parent to manage content, including blocking advertising and specific games. The large number of games available and the ability to manage content for multiple children can make Zoodles a good value.

Parents should be skeptical, however, of some of the assertions made in the Zoodles "report cards." One report card this reviewer received alleged that my child had learned gross motor skills from a particular game -- an unfounded and surprising assertion. Mostly Zoodles is fun, and a good value for parents wanting the ability to cut down on advertising while still presenting their children with a wide variety of games.

Awards Won

Title Year
gisk.jpg Great Interactive Software for Kids List
The Great Interactive Software for Kids list identifies exemplary computer software and multi-platform media for children currently available.
2010 - Selection(s)