What Happened to You?

What Happened to You?, written by James Catchpole, illustrated by Karen George and published by Little, Brown, and Company, a division of Hatchette Book Group, Inc.

book cover of "What Happened to You?" by James Catchpole.


Every time Joe goes out the questions are the same . . . what happened to his leg? But is this even a question Joe has to answer? A ground-breaking, funny story that helps children understand what it might feel like to be seen as different and how these children navigate these questions.

Awards Won

Title Year
A circular medallion in blue and silver. In the center, children hold hands and encircle a small world, all in silver. Words at the top read "Schneider Family Book Award" in silver script, and repeated in silver Braille at the bottom. Schneider Family Book Award

The Schneider Family Book Awards honor an author or illustrator for a book that embodies an artistic expression of the disability experience for child and adolescent audiences.

Click here or read on to learn more about the history and criteria of the Schneider Family Book Award

2024 - Honor(s)