Tales for Very Picky Eaters

written and illustrated by Josh Schneider, published by Clarion Books, an imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

The book cover of "Tales for Very Picky Eaters" by Josh Schneide features a boy kneeling on a kitchen chair, facing away from the table where a bowl of mush spills over the edge. The boy is yelling and waving a spoon about. The room looks like it's about to be buried in a wave of mush that's curving over the boy's head.


Awards Won

Title Year
Geisel_Gold_Seal.gif Theodor Seuss Geisel Award
The Theodor Seuss Geisel Award, established in 2004, is given annually (beginning in 2006) to the author(s) and illustrator(s) of the most distinguished contribution to the body of American children’s literature known as beginning reader books published in the United States during the preceding year.
2012 - Winner(s)