Stefanie R. Bluemle

Research and Instruction Librarian and Instruction Coordinator at Augustana College, for her article “Post-Facts: Information Literacy and Authority after the 2016 Election."

Photo of Stefanie R. Bluemle


“Bluemle’s article explores the timely issue of ‘post-facts’ in today’s world and the implications for those engaged in information literacy work,” said award committee chair Jo Angela Oehrli of the University of Michigan. “More than just talking about ‘fake news,’ Bluemle traces the development of the issues that have contributed to the current climate of post-facts. The article pushes academic librarians to question their own notions of what authority is in light of these larger cultural trends.”

Awards Won

Title Year
Ilene F. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award

This annual award recognizes an outstanding publication related to instruction in a library environment published in the preceding two years. The award honors Ilene F. Rockman's professional contributions to academic librarianship in the area of information literacy. This award is administered by the Instruction Section.

2019 - Winner(s)