Shtutda'ina Da'a Shel Qudel = My Forefathers Are Still Walking with Me: Verbal Essays on Qizhjeh and Tsaynen Dena'ina Traditions

by Andrew Balluta. Lake Clark National Park & Preserve. 2008.147p. illus. maps. SuDoc # t29.2:F78/2. pap. Free w/CD.


This text and CD include recordings of 22 stories in the Dena'ina language of Alaska, transcriptions, and English translations. The content is presented in a three-line format, with a Dena'ina sentence or phrase, followed by a word-by-word translation and a more natural translation. The stories discuss Dena'ina beliefs, values, places, and practices. This work will enhance the
study of Dena'ina, which may be endangered.
The CD was not distributed to depository libraries.



0- 9749668-9-4

Awards Won

Title Year
image for GODORT awards Notable Government Documents

To recognize excellence in government publications, identify documents of distinction, and commend
individual works of superlative nature.

2009 - Selection(s)