
by Phil Klay published by Penguin Press

cover image of redeployment


Phil Klay, a Marine veteran, has written a very compelling collection of short stories about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The author’s writing takes the reader into the depths of war through the eyes of the soldiers (grunts) who are doing the fighting, the officers and civilian bureaucrats who are in charge of the support of the troops and the reconstruction. It is a portrait that bares the souls of soldiers as they try and cope with stress of fighting, enduring the IED’s and the snipers, and struggle to deal with the psychical trauma of war. It also describes what happens when the soldiers return home and try to return to normal life.




Awards Won

Title Year
image of Bill Boyd W.Y. Boyd Literary Novel Award for Excellence in Military Fiction
This award honors the best fiction set in a period when the United States was at war. It recognizes the service of American veterans and military personnel and encourages the writing and publishing of outstanding war-related fiction. Donated by William Young Boyd II.
2015 - Winner(s)