A Quiet Cadence

"A Quiet Cadence" by Mark Treanor, published by The Naval Institute Press

A Quiet Cadence


Mark Treanor’s novel is a first person account of what our service men and women face when asked to fight for this country in conflicts around the world combined with the story of what they thereafter experience when they return home. Narrated through the recollection and reflection of a veteran now on the cusp of retirement, those who served in Vietnam and their loved ones, as well as veterans of our more recent wars, will recognize that the author, a Vietnam veteran, provides an authentic account of the intensity and trauma of combat as seen through the eyes of a 19 year old Marine named Marty McClure. Mark Treanor’s novel is a first person account of what our service men and women face when asked to fight for this country in conflicts around the world combined with the story of what they thereafter experience when they return home. Narrated through the recollection and reflection of a veteran now on the cusp of retirement, those who served in Vietnam and their loved ones, as well as veterans of our more recent wars, will recognize that the author, a Vietnam veteran, provides an authentic account of the intensity and trauma of combat as seen through the eyes of a 19 year old Marine named Marty McClure.




Awards Won

Title Year
image of Bill Boyd W.Y. Boyd Literary Novel Award for Excellence in Military Fiction
This award honors the best fiction set in a period when the United States was at war. It recognizes the service of American veterans and military personnel and encourages the writing and publishing of outstanding war-related fiction. Donated by William Young Boyd II.
2021 - Winner(s)