The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry & Poetics

4th ed. Ed. by Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman. 2012. 1,664p. Princeton, $150 (9780691133348); paper, $49.50 (9780691154916); e-book, $49.50 (9781400841424).


The go-to resource for students doing research on poetry technique and terminology, the fourth edition of The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry & Poetics features many new and valuable updates and is an essential purchase for academic and large public libraries. Libraries owning the previous edition will want to replace it with this volume.




Awards Won

Title Year
Booklist Editors' Choice: Reference Sources
Titles were reviewed in RBB from February 2006 through January 2007. All the titles are intended for a general readership at the high-school level and up. For our pick of the crop for students, see “Twenty Best Bets for Student Researchers” in the September 1 issue.
2012 - Selection(s)