Northwood Elementary School

Northwood Elementary School, Crestview, Fla


The Northwood Elementary School serves more than 25 percent minority, more than 60 percent disadvantaged students and 50 percent free or reduced lunch students. Since 1999, the school library was intermittently open with various media assistants and volunteers, until its closure in 2009. With the re-opening of the new library the Bookapalooza materials will provide new and multicultural literature to a Title I neighborhood school. Plans for the materials include a visual arts program to expose students to illustrators within literature and extended day library services to the day care housed within the school and a neighboring K-12 special needs school. The library will provide a media and art integration specialist who is trained to supervise and study with special needs students and will provide an opportunity for the special needs students to gain social and life skills experience within the neighborhood.

Awards Won

Title Year
alsc_logo.jpg Bookapalooza Program
Creating a better future for all children through libraries is ALSC’s core purpose.
ALSC envisions a future where:
  • In every library, children come first.
  • All libraries acknowledge the importance of children’s service with adequate materials and resources.
  • All libraries recognize ALSC as a leader in promoting high quality service to children.
  • Libraries recognize and support the value of all staff serving children.
  • Resources, collections, services, and staff reflect the communities they serve.
  • The library’s physical space reflects the developmental needs of children.
  • Children and their families are being served by a variety of non-traditional programs and activities in off-site locations.
In keeping with this envisioned future, the Bookapalooza Program will offer select libraries a collection of materials that will help transform their collection and provide the opportunity for these materials to be used in their community in creative and innovative ways.
2014 - Winner(s)