Next Reads


For the past seven years, the NextReads team has produced over 1,800 individual newsletter issues reviews that have helped to shape the professional readers’ advisory community and communities of readers across the country. By offering readers a thoughtful mix of reviews of new and selected older materials, the NextReads team supports libraries as they build a community of readers. NextReads, as noted by the letters of support to the nomination, serves as an important readers’ advisory tool for both staff and library users, as a source for substantive reviews, as a tool to improve library circulation of older as well as newer titles, and as “an important review source for … materials selection staff.” The librarians on the NextReads time have a strong sense of how to write reviews that capture the appeal factors that draw a reader into a book, and their ability to communicate appeal to both librarians and to readers makes NextReads a valuable review source in the library community.

Awards Won

Title Year
shoreslogo.jpg Louis Shores Award

This award recognizes an individual reviewer, group, editor, review medium or organization for excellence in book reviewing and other media for libraries. More information can be found here:

2013 - Recipient(s)