Neal Wyatt
Doctoral candidate in the media, art and text program at Virginia Commonwealth University
Wyatt launched the Readers' Advisory Research and Trends Forum in 2009 — a recurring conference program that brings together theorists and practitioners from disparate fields to explore the expansion of RA boundaries. Her writing includes the "Library Journal" series "Reinventing RA," her influential book "The Readers' Advisory Guide to Nonfiction," (ALA, 2007) and her monthly "Library Journal" column "Crossroads." As a teacher and presenter, she demonstrates and passionately shares creative uses of technology for librarians across the RA spectrum. Her efforts have rekindled the passionate fire of RA service, elevating it to a prominent role in the public library setting, as well as other library environments. Wyatt has served as chair of the Collection Development and Evaluation Section (CODES) and President of RUSA where, as a tireless and effective leader, she left a significant legacy of creativity and inclusivity.