Native American Protocols for American Libraries, Archives, and Information Services

to Karen J. Underhill, Head, Special Collections and Archives, Northern Arizona University


This project proposes to develop a common framework of ethical “best practices” for handling Native American archival collections and information resources that will benefit libraries and tribal communities alike. The researcher will present draft Protocols--to be developed with tribal colleagues--at the annual meetings of various stakeholders to secure the endorsement of a final draft of the Protocols by the American Library Association, the Society of American Archivists, the American Association for State and Local History, and the Council for the Preservation of Anthropological Records with the ultimate objective of implementation by libraries and archives around the United States. The project was submitted under this year's Research Topic 3 – Effects of Diversity Policy Implementation on Institutional Diversity.

Resulting publications & presentations:

  • Underhill, Karen J. (2006) Draft Protocols presented at the American Library Association Conference, New Orleans, June 24.
  • Underhill, Karen J. (2006) Draft Protocols presented at the American College and Research Libraries Rare Books and Manuscripts Section conference, Austin, Texas, June 21.
  • Protocols for Native American Archival Materials. Finished document drafted by Karen Underhill and nineteen others available at: and pdf at

Awards Won

Title Year
Diversity Research Grant

The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services sponsors this grant program which began in 2002 to address critical gaps in the knowledge of equity, diversity, and inclusion issues within library and information science.

2005 - Winner(s)