
Associate and Foster-EBSCO Endowed Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alabama

Dr. Jamie Campbell Naidoo


Dr. Jamie Campbell Naidoo’s career has focused on services to diverse families and children. His research interests include the portrayal of underrepresented groups in children’s and young adult literature and library services to gender-variant and LGBTQ children and parents. These interests have resulted in the publication of books such as: “Diversity Programming for Digital Youth: Promoting Cultural Competence in the Children’s Library,” and “Rainbow Family Collections: Selecting and Using Children’s Books with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content. “ In addition, he has published and/or edited numerous other books, peer-reviewed articles, papers and book chapters.

Naidoo has received multiple international honors and awards over the years. Most recently he received the Humanitarian Award from the Alabama Library Association in 2015. He was an invited keynote speaker at the Turning the Pages of Diversity, 28th Annual Conference on Children’s Literature in 2015. Additionally, he has delivered research presentations, seminars and workshops around the world and is founder and director of the Connecting Cultures & Celebrating Cuentos: National Latino Children’s Literature Conference.

Naidoo received his MLIS from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa in 2000 and his PhD in Communication and Information Studies, from the same institute, in 2006. His teaching includes courses on cultural literacy, outreach, and programming to children and young adults. He has developed specific diversity courses at the University of Alabama such as “Intercultural Perspectives in Children’s and Young Adult Literature” and “Outreach to Diverse Populations.” In his nomination letter he was described as, “...a leading national voice on multiple topics related to services to diverse children and families, and he excels at making his research applicable to the day-to-day work of library staff through his engaging and practical presentations, trainings, and writings.”

Dr. Naidoo was recognized as the Achievement in Library Diversity Research Honoree at the 2016 ALA Annual meeting in Orlando, Florida.

Awards Won

Title Year
ODLOS logo Achievement in Library Diversity Research

Each year the Diversity Research Grant Advisory Committee seeks to recognize an individual for advancing research that informs diversity, equity and outreach efforts in Library and Information Science by honoring them with an Achievement in Library Diversity Research designation. Achievement is defined as a body of published work or a groundbreaking piece whose dissemination advances our understanding of or sparks new research in the areas of diversity, equity and outreach. Entries are not limited to peer reviewed, scholarly publication. We welcome open access and other forms of published dissemination. Nominations are accepted year-round and an honoree will be selected from the pool of nominees received by April 30.

2016 - Winner(s)