My Notorious Life

Manning, Kate. 2013. 438 p. Scribner-Simon & Schuster, (978-1-4516-9806-0). Gr.10-up.


After growing up in poverty, Axie becomes a medical practitioner and businesswoman who insists on providing 19th century women with reproductive choice.




Awards Won

Title Year
bloomer.jpg The Amelia Bloomer Book List
The Amelia Bloomer Project, a committee of the Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table, compiles the Amelia Bloomer List, an annual annotated book list (or bibliography) of well-written and well-illustrated books with significant feminist content, intended for young readers (ages birth through 18).
Please note, this award is now called "Rise: A Feminist Book Project"
2015 - Selection(s)