Legacy of Excellence

by Paul Stone. U.S. Army Medical Center & School, Borden Inst. 2011. 251p. illus. SuDoc# D 101.2:AR 5/104. GPO Stock# 008-000-01043-9. $65.

The book cover of "Legacy of Excellence: The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1862-2011" by Paul Stone features three historic photos, a building, a man in a Civil War uniform, and a surgical procedure.


In 1862, shortly after the Battle of Antietam, army surgeon general Brigadier Gen. William Hammond ordered the establishment of the Army Medical Museum. Surgeons working on Civil War battlefields were encouraged to preserve anatomical specimens, such as severed limbs and diseased organs, and send them to the museum for further research. From the start, the museum made its displays of specimens and instruments, as well as its medical library, available to the general public. Under the leadership of later curators, such as John Billings and Walter Reed, the museum evolved into the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Readers interested in the history of science, especially medical science or in the devastating effects of Civil War weaponry on the human body, will be fascinated by the hundreds of graphic photographs.

Awards Won

Title Year
image for GODORT awards Notable Government Documents

To recognize excellence in government publications, identify documents of distinction, and commend
individual works of superlative nature.

2011 - Selection(s)