To The Last Man: A Novel of The First World War

by Jeff Shaara (Ballantine)

cover image of To the Last Man


An epic account of modern warfare. Recent history has often overlooked the First World War and the men who fought in it. Jeff Shaara’s novel, To The Last Man, places the courage, valor and horrors of that conflict in historical perspective through the eyes and emotions of several individuals. Some are well-known to history, while others are obscure. To The Last Man is a gripping and passionate work that lets the reader understand the consequences of this tragic event.

Awards Won

Title Year
image of Bill Boyd W.Y. Boyd Literary Novel Award for Excellence in Military Fiction
This award honors the best fiction set in a period when the United States was at war. It recognizes the service of American veterans and military personnel and encourages the writing and publishing of outstanding war-related fiction. Donated by William Young Boyd II.
2005 - Winner(s)