Las Vegas-Clark County Library District

Las Vegas-Clark County Library District

Las Vegas-Clark County Library District


The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District (Las Vegas, Nevada) has been selected to receive the 2022 ALA/Information Today, Inc. Library of the Future Award for for its “Bringing the Library to Transit Riders” program, in partnership with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC). The program enables transit riders to instantly sign up for access to LVCCLD materials online via the library’s Libby app, using the RTC’s free onboard WiFi on 400 city buses across the Las Vegas metropolitan area. Riders can immediately begin borrowing ebooks, eaudiobooks, magazines, and movies at no cost, on the bus, at home, or anywhere on the go.

Once the Libby app is downloaded using a QR code, featured in onboard posters, riders can sign up for library access by entering their mobile number. The library system instantly verifies the new account, allowing these new customers immediate access to ebooks, eaudiobooks, magazines and movies at no cost. The program also allows temporary library access to transit riders who are visitors to Las Vegas via a seven-day pass to the Libby app.

As a result of this initiative, the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District (LVCCLD) is reaching customers “where they are” by introducing library services and life-changing resources in new and unexpected places. The RTC’s fleet of 400 WiFi-enabled buses average 3 million passengers per month, making them the ideal partner for the LVCCLD to reach potential lower income customers who may have never had a previous library experience. This innovative program effectively uses technology to promote accessible library resources and engage with more of their community.

Information Today Inc., a publishing company, is a leader in providing libraries with resources to meet knowledge management needs.

Awards Won

Title Year
ALA/Information Today, Inc. Library of the Future Award
An award to honor an individual library, library consortium, group of librarians, or support organization for innovative planning for, applications of, or development of patron training programs about information technology in a library setting.
2022 - Winner(s)