Keeping America Informed

U.S. GPO. 2011. 149p. illus. SuDoc# GP 1.2:IN 3/2. GPO Stock# 021-000-00212-7. $21.

The book cover of "Keeping America Informed: The United States Government Printing Office, 150 Years of Service to the Nation" by the GPO features a photo of the top of a window in a government building.


Liberally illustrated with historical photographs and facsimiles of famous government documents, this volume will appeal to a wider audience than depository librarians. Historians and history buffs who have an interest in government and how it interacts with both the private sector and public employee unions will find a compelling story that focuses on the federal government’s obligation to keep citizens informed about its activities.

Awards Won

Title Year
image for GODORT awards Notable Government Documents

To recognize excellence in government publications, identify documents of distinction, and commend
individual works of superlative nature.

2011 - Selection(s)