Jennifer Gallant

The ALA Retired Members Roundtable (RMRT) is pleased to announce that Jennifer Gallant has been chosen to receive the Norman Horrocks-Scarecrow Press Annual Conference Award. The $1,000 Award, sponsored by Scarecrow Press, was established in 2011 to honor the accomplishments of Dr. Norman Horrocks, who contributed to ALA throughout his life and was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee that worked to establish the RMRT. The travel grant will help retired members of the RMRT to defray the costs of attending an ALA Conference.
Barbara T. Mates, chair of the 2013 Horrocks-Scarecrow Press Award Committee, stated, “Jennifer was chosen for her initiative in proposing that ALA needed a round table for retired members, her determination in pursuing the steps to create the round table, by advocating and networking a strong ad hoc steering committee to launch the round table and guide it through it’s early years. Jennifer has been active in ALA in many capacities through her career, from ALA Council to President of YALSA, and currently serves as the Treasurer of RMRT.” Prior to retirement Jennifer was Associate Director of the Elyria Public Library, in Ohio.
Comments from Jennifer
What a delightful surprise! With great regard for Norman Horrocks and his contributions to ALA and RMRT, it is an honor to be the recipient of the Scarecrow Press Award named for him. The funds encouraging conference attendance by an RMRT member is much appreciated! I plan to use the award to foster the work of the Retired Members Round Table in his spirit.