Janet Vogel

Frederick (Md.) County Public Libraries


Supervising a transition from a 2,500 square foot facility to a 25,000 square foot area, reorganizing the service model to adjust to additional programming with less staff, and managing the Early Start Bookmobile are just a few of the many responsibilities Janet Vogel has taken on over the past year. She also initiated a partnership with the Frederick County Infants and Toddlers Program (FCTIP) to present Storyland: A Sensory Storyland for Little Ones complete with story time boxes which contain materials for a variety of 12 programs. She also serves on several committees with the Maryland Library Association and Race to the Top.

Awards Won

Title Year
Penguin Young Readers Group Penguin Random House Young Readers Group Award
This award, made possible by an annual gift from Penguin Young Readers Group, provides a $1200 stipend to up to two children's librarians to attend their first ALA Annual Conference.
2013 - Winner(s)