Helping Teens Help Themselves: A National Survey of Library Services to Juveniles in Detention

to Dr. Jennifer K. Sweeney, adjunct professor at Drexel University's College of Information Science & Technology


This project will collect and compile comprehensive information on library services to juveniles in detention, an at-risk population whose information needs are both urgent and complex, to help focus resources, facilitate collaboration, and educate the community of providers.

Resulting publications & presentations:

  • Presented information on the study at the California Library Association and ALISE in 2011-12, and the information was used in a book and a chapter in an ALAO volume as well.
  • Sweeney, J. (2011). Interagency cooperation in juvenile detention center library services: An introduction to the issues. In Williams, D. and Janine Golden (editors), Advances in Library Administration and Organization, v. 30: 187-206.
  • Sweeney, J. (2011). Helping teens help themselves: A national survey of library services to juveniles in detention. Presented at the California Library Association Annual Conference November.
  • Sweeney, J. (2012). Literacy: A way out for at-risk youth. Thousand Oaks, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Sweeney, J. (2012). Helping teens help themselves: A national survey of library services to juveniles in detention. Annual Program for Diversity Research Grant Reports.
  • Sweeney, J. (2012). Helping teens help themselves: A national survey of library services to juveniles in detention. Presented at the ALISE Annual Conference January.

Awards Won

Title Year
Diversity Research Grant

The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services sponsors this grant program which began in 2002 to address critical gaps in the knowledge of equity, diversity, and inclusion issues within library and information science.

2010 - Winner(s)