Helping Teens Help Themselves: A National Survey of Library Services to Juveniles in Detention
to Dr. Jennifer K. Sweeney, adjunct professor at Drexel University's College of Information Science & Technology
This project will collect and compile comprehensive information on library services to juveniles in detention, an at-risk population whose information needs are both urgent and complex, to help focus resources, facilitate collaboration, and educate the community of providers.
Resulting publications & presentations:
- Presented information on the study at the California Library Association and ALISE in 2011-12, and the information was used in a book and a chapter in an ALAO volume as well.
- Sweeney, J. (2011). Interagency cooperation in juvenile detention center library services: An introduction to the issues. In Williams, D. and Janine Golden (editors), Advances in Library Administration and Organization, v. 30: 187-206.
- Sweeney, J. (2011). Helping teens help themselves: A national survey of library services to juveniles in detention. Presented at the California Library Association Annual Conference November.
- Sweeney, J. (2012). Literacy: A way out for at-risk youth. Thousand Oaks, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
- Sweeney, J. (2012). Helping teens help themselves: A national survey of library services to juveniles in detention. Annual Program for Diversity Research Grant Reports.
- Sweeney, J. (2012). Helping teens help themselves: A national survey of library services to juveniles in detention. Presented at the ALISE Annual Conference January.