Full Cicada Moon

Hilton, Marilyn. 2015. 389p. Penguin/Dial, (978-0-525-42875-6). Gr.4-7.


Mimi is a half-Japanese, half-black young scientist who dreams of becoming an astronaut. As she adjusts to a new home in Vermont, she and many of her classmates fight for the right to take wood shop and the agency to dismantle racist and sexist stereotypes.




Awards Won

Title Year
bloomer.jpg The Amelia Bloomer Book List
The Amelia Bloomer Project, a committee of the Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table, compiles the Amelia Bloomer List, an annual annotated book list (or bibliography) of well-written and well-illustrated books with significant feminist content, intended for young readers (ages birth through 18).
Please note, this award is now called "Rise: A Feminist Book Project"
2016 - Selection(s)