Fruitful Legacy: A Historic Context of Orchards in the United States, with Technical Information for Registering Orchards in the National Register of Historic Places

by Susan A. Dolan. National Park Svc. 2009. 229p. illus. maps. SuDoc #l29.2:F94/2. GPO Stock # 024-005-01266-4. pap. $39


Dolan, historical landscape architect with the National Park Service, discusses the introduction, evolution, and commercialization of the most common types of orchards and fruit trees in the 13 Colonies and on our soil from 1600 to the present. She also provides guidance on assessing the historical significance of particular orchards and

trees. Intended for the nonspccialist, this publication is packed with fascinating facts and superb illustrations.




Awards Won

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image for GODORT awards Notable Government Documents

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individual works of superlative nature.

2009 - Selection(s)