Fast Forward: Regional Transit System Plan

Indian Nations Council of Governments. 2011. 144p. illus. maps. ISBN 9781885596888. OCLC# 747978209. Free.

The book cover of "Fast Forward: Regional Transit System Plan" by Indian Nations Council of Governments features photographs of a bus, a train and a road.


Facing new and evolving challenges, agencies and institutions in Tulsa have taken the opportunity to engage the public, study alternative transportation solutions, and create community visions to help guide regional success. This resource compiles the findings of extensive transportation studies of existing services, historic transportation models, community input, and city infrastructure into a plan that will guide the future of regional transportation in the Tulsa area.

Awards Won

Title Year
image for GODORT awards Notable Government Documents

To recognize excellence in government publications, identify documents of distinction, and commend
individual works of superlative nature.

2011 - Selection(s)