Daniella Smith

assistant professor in the department of library and information sciences at the University of North Texas

image of daniella smith


“An Examination of the Impact of Resiliency and School Organizational Structures on the Self-Perceived Leadership Behaviors of School Librarians,” Smith’s project, is designed to determine the impact of resiliency and school organizational structure on the leadership behaviors of school librarians. Smith, assistant professor in the department of library and information sciences at the University of North Texas, will design a survey to evaluate the impact of school library programs on student learning. Using the survey data collected, Smith will determine what relationships exist among school organization structure, resiliency, and leadership behaviors.
“The committee feels that Daniella Smith’s research will help evaluate how leadership, resiliency, and school structure impact the school librarian and in turn, how that school librarian impacts student learning and education,” said Pipkin. “The research is relevant to librarianship and its impact on student achievement in today's world. Both the detailed timeline and the applicant's experience and current job position make her qualified to see the research to completion.”

Awards Won

Title Year
AASL Research Grant

The purpose of the AASL Research Grant is to serve as a model for future school library media research aimed at measuring and evaluating the impact of school library media programs on learning and education.

2012 - Recipient(s)