Brian E. Coutts

professor and head of the department of library public services at Western Kentucky University


“Brian's scholarship is impressive, beginning his research and writing about Belize when it was still British Honduras, and over time interviewing all of the former Prime Ministers of that country for biographical sketches of their lives for two editions of The Encyclopedia of Latin American History & Culture,” said award chair Kelly Janousek, librarian at California State University-Long Beach. “As a former winner of the Reference and User Services Association’s (RUSA) Louis Shores Oryx Press Award in 1999, he has stayed true to his bibliography roots with an annual article for Library Journal, ‘Best Reference Sources of the Year,’ since 1987.”

Awards Won

Title Year
Marta Lange/SAGE-CQ Press Award

This annual award recognizes an academic or law librarian who, through research, service to the profession, or other creative activity, makes distinguished contributions to bibliography and information service in law or political science. This award honors Marta Lange, 1990-91 Law and Political Science Section (LPSS) Chair, whose exceptional talents as a leader were enhanced by a wonderful collegial spirit. Her bright career, cut short in a fatal automobile accident in 1992, was an inspiration to others and a model of professional service.

2014 - Winner(s)