University of Maryland Law School
In recognition of her leadership and dedication as the first chair of the newly constituted ALCTS Continuing
Education Committee. Pamela’s incredible organizational skills and tireless efforts have been instrumental in transforming
ALCTS’ educational offerings into a robust program of online offerings. With attendance at in–person events difficult
in these tough economic times, Pamela and her dedicated team are working to facilitate the development of numerous
opportunities for practitioners in the areas of collections, preservation, and technical services to become informed
about new developments, learn new skills, and share best practices. At a time when she could have very reasonably
withdrawn after many years of outstanding service to ALCTS, Pamela’s passion and dedication to our
organization led her to accept this new challenge. As with all she has undertaken on ALCTS’ behalf, she has
provided exceptional service and inspired her committee members and presenters to do the same. We are grateful
to Pamela for creating the foundations for a successful continuing education program for ALCTS.