Beyond Broken Borders: Examining Library Services to Latino & Spanish-Speaking Populations in New Latino South States with Anti-Immigration Laws

to Dr. Jamie C. Naidoo, associate professor, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alabama and Lance Simpson, graduate student, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alabama


This project will investigate the connection between library services to Latino and Spanish-speaking residents and anti-immigration laws that promote racial profiling and negative community attitudes towards new and “foreign” residents. In addition, the project will result in a current anti-immigration toolkit for librarians struggling to serve all the residents of their communities.

Resulting publications & presentations:

  • Naidoo, Jamie C. (2013). “Library Services to Latino & Spanish-Speaking Populations in New Latino South States with Illegal Immigration Laws,” co-presenter in the SLIS Research Roundup panel, Alabama Library Association Annual Conference, Montgomery, Alabama, April.
  • Naidoo, Jamie C. (2013). "Passports to Access: Exploring Library Services to Latino & Spanish-Speaking Populations in New South States with Anti-Immigration Laws,” co-presenter (1st author) with SLIS Student Lance Simpson, Research Poster Session, 2013 College of Communication and Information Sciences’ Discerning Diverse Voices Diversity Research Symposium, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, March.
  • Naidoo, Jamie C. (2013). “Bridging Broken Borders: Library Services to Latino and Spanish-Speaking Populations in New Latino South States with Anti-Immigration Laws,” co-presenter with SLIS Student Lance Simpson, ALISE Work-In-Progress Poster Session, 2013 ALISE Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, January. (National). Poster available:

Awards Won

Title Year
Diversity Research Grant

The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services sponsors this grant program which began in 2002 to address critical gaps in the knowledge of equity, diversity, and inclusion issues within library and information science.

2012 - Winner(s)