Atlas of Global Development

3d ed. World Bank & HarperCollins, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 144p. illus. maps. pap. $29.95.

The cover of the "Atlas of Global Development, 3d edition" by World Bankfeatures a globe of the world tiled with headshot photos of people.


Through the use of thematic maps, charts, tables, and clear prose, this book portrays progress in the struggle against a wide range of global problems. The publication was accompanied by the release of the eAtlas of Global Development, a free online resource that allows users to create customized maps, import and export data, and graph more than 175 statistical series over longer periods than covered by the print atlas. Everyone from high school students to professors will find these resources fascinating. eAtlas of Global Development:




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2011 - Selection(s)