Archival and Grey Literature Use Patterns in Library and Information Science Journal Articles with a Focus on the African American Experience (1986-2006)
to Allison M. Sutton, Professor and Psychology & Social Work Subject Specialist, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library
This project highlights the importance of studying and tracking the trends of LIS scholars who are researching African American issues. Gauging the need for the rare, obscure, narrowly distributed and sometimes elusive materials is increasingly important as technologies advance, increasing the possibilities for online access. This study seeks to answer questions and convey the importance of using a systematic approach to identify the use patterns for archival and grey literature type materials within a focused area of study. African American studies, other ethnic studies and subject specialist librarians will be surveyed to more thoroughly assess if and how the results inform their collection development, digital preservation and metadata related projects. Using both citation analysis and a survey, results are expected to provide a model for subject specialists working with ethnic studies scholars. The project was submitted under this year’s Research Topic 2- (Re)envisioning Multicultural Librarianship and Pedagogy.