Ann Dutton Ewbank

assistant division director for graduate programs in Arizona State University’s teachers college

image of ann dutton ewbank


Ewbank’s project, “The Role of Teacher Unions in School Library Advocacy: A Case Study of the British Columbia Teacher-Librarians’ Association and the British Columbia Teacher’s Federation,” will investigate the unique relationship between the two organizations and how they work together to advocate for strong school library programs in the Canadian province. To meet the project’s research goals, Ewbank will travel to Vancouver, British Columbia, to interview association and federation board members and also review their association governance documents. From this material, she will explore what impact the association’s combined advocacy efforts have made in the province.
“Ann Dutton Ewbank’s proposal is unique," said Ann Marie Pipkin, award committee chair. "She is looking through a different lens and researching from an original perspective the interactions needed to create strong school library programs. This research has the potential to serve as a model for future school library advocacy. A great deal of work was done beforehand to allow for the success of the project."

Awards Won

Title Year
AASL Research Grant

The purpose of the AASL Research Grant is to serve as a model for future school library media research aimed at measuring and evaluating the impact of school library media programs on learning and education.

2012 - Recipient(s)