And The Whole Mountain Burned

by Ray McPadden, published by Center Street, Hachette Book Group

cover of and the whole mountain burned


McPadden has written a firsthand account of the trials and tribulations of US Army Rangers, especially Sergeant Nick Burch and Private Danny Shane, fighting in the mountains of Eastern Afghanistan in the Spring of 2008. The novel is graphic in describing how the men managed to survive, fight, and die in this godforsaken place. The author states that the novel depicts “the horrors of war, the courage of the soldiers, and the fact that no matter how many enemies we vanquish, there is always another over the ridge.” The Rangers’ only lifelines are their radios and the helicopters that often flew through miserable weather and enemy fire to bring them food, supplies, ammo, and - most important - mail from friends and loved ones. This latter lifeline also brought reinforcements and evacuated their wounded and dead.

Awards Won

Title Year
image of Bill Boyd W.Y. Boyd Literary Novel Award for Excellence in Military Fiction
This award honors the best fiction set in a period when the United States was at war. It recognizes the service of American veterans and military personnel and encourages the writing and publishing of outstanding war-related fiction. Donated by William Young Boyd II.
2019 - Winner(s)