Literary Landmark: Plaza Hotel, home of Eloise - Kay Thompson

New York, N.Y.

Dedicated: 1998

1998Thompson1The Plaza Hotel was designated a Literary Landmark on September 26th, 1998 in honor of the fictional “Eloise” created by Kay Thompson. Kay Thompson lived at the Plaza Hotel in New York City while writing her first book, Eloise, which was published in 1955. Artist Hilary Knight illustrated the book.

“Eloise” was six years old and lived on the top floor of the Plaza. She was infamous for being rowdy in a public place and causing trouble for her British nanny. Many people bring their children to the Plaza to see the portrait of “Eloise”and to walk the halls that she did in the books by Kay Thompson. The Eloise series sold almost one million copies in less than ten years after its first publication.1998Thompson2

The designation ceremony was sponsored by the Books for Kids Foundation and the Empire Friends of New York State. Kay Thompson was also a singer and Broadway performer before she wrote Eloise. She died in 1998.


The Plaza - Historic Hotels of America

The Plaza (website)