Literary Landmark: Laura Riding Jackson cottage
Vero Beach, Fla.
Dedicated: January 22, 1995
Partners: Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation
The home of Laura Riding Jackson was designated a Literary Landmark on January 22nd, 1995. The designation was sponsored by the Laura Riding Jackson Home Preservation Foundation, Inc. and the Florida Center for the Book. The home is located on the property of the Environmental Learning Center in Vero Beach, Florida. Jackson’s cottage, “Wind Song”, was moved from its original location in Wabasso, Florida and restored to its original beauty.
Laura Riding Jackson was born on January 16th, 1901 in New York City. She attended Cornell University where she met a group of writers called “The Fugitives” which included Robert Penn Warren. Jackson’s first poem appeared in The Fugitive. She later renounced poetry in the thirties and continued to focus on her prose effort. Her most successful book was Lives of Wives.
Jackson moved to Wabasso, Florida and lived in her cottage from 1943 until her death in 1991.