Literary Landmark: Thomas Hornsby Ferril house

Denver, Colo.

Dedicated: 1993

1993FerrilThomas Hornsby Ferril was born on February 25th, 1896. He lived in the house on Downing Street from the time he was four years old up until his death on October 27th, 1988.

Ferril published six volumes of poetry and his work appeared in numerous anthologies. His poems dealt most often with mountains, rivers, miners, and the prairies of the West. Ferril served as the poet laureate of Colorado from 1979 up until his death. The Ferril house served as a meeting point for many members of the arts and literature scene including Robert Frost, Dorothy Parker, and Carl Sandburg.

Thomas Hornsby Ferril’s house in Denver is listed with the National Register of Historic Places. It is owned by the Colorado Center for the Book. The organization has turned the house into a literary center where they host many community events. The Ferril house was designated a Literary Landmark by the City of Denver in 1993.


The House On Downing Street (5280)

Thomas Hornsby Ferril House (Poets&Writers)

Thomas Hornsby Ferril House is part of Denver's history -- and could be history (Westword)