Welcome to the United for Libraries Board
The United for Libraries staff has assembled a variety of links and information below to help you start (and continued!) your journey as a board member. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call our office at (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161 or email Beth Nawalinski at bnawalinski@ala.org.
NEW: United for Libraries Resources
We've compiled a handy Excel file of the top resources available FREE and for members only. Please note this is a working compilation and resources may be added at any time. Also, it's not possible to list all of the wonderful links and resources we have on our site, so if you are looking for something and can't find it on this list, email Beth (bnawalinski@ala.org) or Jillian (jwentworth@ala.org) and we'll let you know if we have the resource and if so, where to find it.
- United for Libraries Resources (Excel, 12.94 kb) Updated 5/22/17
Helpful Links
- Check out our history, mission, and bylaws.
- See who is on our board.
- Read minutes from prior board meetings.
- Learn about committees.
- See what companies support United for Libraries.
- Learn about conferences and events.
- Join our electronic discussion groups.
- Learn about our products and services.
- Check out our members' only areas of the website.
- Download membership materials.
- Contact the staff.
- Donate to United for Libraries.
- Follow United for Libraries on Twitter.
- Like United for Libraries on Facebook.