School Librarians Continue to Help Students Achieve Standards: The Third Colorado Study (2010) A Closer Look

TitleSchool Librarians Continue to Help Students Achieve Standards: The Third Colorado Study (2010) A Closer Look
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsFrancis, BH, Lance, KC, Lietzau, Z
PublisherColorado State Library, Library Research Service
CityDenver, CO
AbstractIn 2000, the Colorado State Library published "How School Librarians Help Kids Achieve Standards: The Second Colorado Study." This follow-up study is the third Colorado study of the impact of school libraries and librarians on academic achievement, and the second study to examine their impact on student performance on the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) tests. The findings of this latest study are consistent with those of the two previous studies on several key points. Students tend to perform better on achievement tests where school libraries have more full-time equivalents (FTEs) of staffing; larger collections of periodicals and instructional videos; better-networked online resources made accessible via computers in the library as well as in classrooms, labs, and offices; higher total library expenditures; and heavier use, as indicated by both library visits and circulation. Between 2000 and 2009, similar findings have been generated by studies in 17 other states (Alaska, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin) as well as the Canadian province of Ontario. Many of these studies also present evidence that the relationships between library programs and test performance cannot be explained away by other school or community conditions. (Contains 8 tables and 4 charts.) [This report was produced by the Library Research Service (LRS), a unit of the Colorado State Library, Colorado Department of Education.]


The Colorado State Library's study, "School Librarians Continue to Help Students Achieve Standards: The Third Colorado Study," unveils a compelling correlation between school library resources and students' academic achievements. This meticulous investigation, a follow-up to previous inquiries, reinforces the pivotal role of school libraries and librarians in fostering enhanced academic outcomes.

The findings resonate powerfully, highlighting a clear pattern: heightened academic performance aligns with well-resourced school libraries. Schools boasting larger collections, better-equipped facilities, and increased librarian staffing exhibit a remarkable uptick in student achievement. Notably, the presence of a full-time endorsed librarian emerges as a significant factor, reflecting the positive impact of specialized expertise and guidance in nurturing students' academic growth.

Moreover, the study underscores the significance of financial allocation toward elementary school libraries, indicating a positive correlation between better funding and higher percentages of students achieving proficiency or advanced levels. This revelation emphasizes the tangible benefits of investing in school library programs, shedding light on the transformative influence of adequate resources on students' educational journey. 


This comprehensive analysis serves as a clarion call for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders, advocating for increased support and investment in school libraries. It not only reaffirms the pivotal role of librarians but also emphasizes the criticality of well-equipped library resources in shaping students' academic success. For students I can recommend the source that offers a wide selection of free essays, research paper examples and writing asistance. These resources can provide students with valuable insights, analysis, and inspiration for their own essays or research papers.

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I think that school librarians really have a huge part to play in a child's development. And maybe a lack of good librarians is why more and more students are going towards a fake diploma. It's unfortunate, but that's just how things are.

I found your article on the impact of school libraries and librarians on academic achievement to be highly informative and geometry dash world. The fact that this study is the third in a series of Colorado studies, and the second to examine the relationship between libraries and student performance on the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) tests, lends credibility to its findings.

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