What is Computational Thinking

Information about computational thinking.


Ready to Code Youth Demonstrate Computational Thinking Skills

  • They turn big problems into manageable parts (that's DECOMPOSITION) in activities in which they create a game with Scratch
  • They find patterns in the small parts (that's PATTERN RECOGNITION) in activities in which they create a bracelet using e-textiles
  • They develop step-by-step instructions (that's ALGORITHMS) in activities in which they improve on the steps required to make a paper airplane
  • They transfer solutions to similar problems (that's ABSTRACTION) in activities in which they improve on the robot they built before
  • They understand when a computer can help (that's AUTOMATION) in activities in which they program a 3D printer to create an airplane

Want to learn more, check out Jeanette Wing’s 2006 article on Computational Thinking (pdf)

Computational Thinking Resources from Google