Telling Legislators about the Exhibit
“Visions of the Universe: Four Centuries of Discovery” Site Support Notebook
We would appreciate it if you would inform your local, state and national legislators that the library and the community are participants in a project funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and presented by the Space Telescope Science Institute, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the American Library Association. Invite them to the opening reception or to other programs that you are sponsoring; invite them to speak or introduce speakers. This is important for the continued federal funding of library cultural programs.
Also urge your patrons to contact their legislators about library programs they value. A previous ALA exhibition host distributes a flyer that says:
“If you enjoyed the program this afternoon, please feel free to write to any or all of the following to express your appreciation. Paper and envelopes are available as you leave and there will be stamps for sale if you wish to write immediately. Thank you in advance for supporting your library and its programs.”
A list of local, state and federal elected legislators and their addresses and fax numbers followed the request.