Library Support Materials: Logistics


Table of Contents:

  1. Timeline
  2. Requirements for Participating Libraries
  3. Kit shipping information
  4. Final Report
  5. Need-to-know logistics webinar


Below is a general timeline for the period before, during, and after the Thinking Money for Kids Program Kit grant period. ALA staff will send email reminders for each of these deadlines as they approach.

  • Program Kits Distributed: By mid-September 2024
  • Peer-Sharing Sessions (Synchronous, Virtual):
    • Project Directors are required to attend at least one of the following trainings, but are highly encouraged to attend all or as many as they would like. If you have coworkers who are assisting with programming and would benefit from the trainings, they are also welcome and encouraged to attend.
    • Session #1: Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Central Time: Register Here
    • Session #2: Monday, September 16, 2024, 1:30 - 2:30 pm Central Time: Register Here
    • Session #3: Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 12:00 -1:00 pm Central Time: Register Here
    • Session #4: Monday, September 30, 2024, 2:30 - 3:30 pm Central Time: Register Here
  • Programming Implementation Period: September 2024 – December 2025
  • Final Report Due in ALA Apply: January 2026

Requirements for Participating Libraries

All public libraries selected to receive a Thinking Money for Kids Program Kit are required to:

  • View recorded training videos and attend at least one synchronous peer-sharing session.
  • Host each of the five in-person children’s programs at least once, and preferably more than once, during the programming period (September 2024 – December 2025). To ensure that all programming is strictly non-commercial, the programs may not be offered in conjunction with financial services firms, including banks, investment advisers and brokerage firms. All programs must be free to the public.
  • Add Launchpad tablets to library circulation and collect circulation data (i.e. number of patron check-outs).
  • Grantees are required to submit a final report at the end of the grant period (due January 2026), which will be completed in ALA Apply, ALA’s grants management platform. Project directors should log in to the platform using the email address and password used to apply for the grant. If you have a problem accessing the final report, please email The final report collects information about program attendance, successes and challenges, and attendee feedback. You may download a PDF copy of the final report for reference, but please note that the report must be submitted online via ALA Apply. The final report will take 30 minutes or less to complete.

Kit Shipping and Receiving

Kits will be shipped to libraries at the shipping address provided in their grant acceptance form. All shipping costs will be billed to and paid by the ALA Public Programs Office.

  • Participating libraries will receive their resources in two separate shipments.
    • The collection of in-person programming materials will be shipped via UPS. The kit measures approximately 32”x24”x21” and weighs approximately 50 lbs. Once unpacked from its outer shipping box, the kit is packaged in a wheeled plastic container to make it easier to store and move.
    • The set of six Playaway Launchpads will be shipped directly from the manufacturer.
  • Check the condition of the materials as you unpack. If any parts or materials are missing or damaged, please notify ALA immediately (

Final Report

Grantees are required to submit a final report at the end of the grant period (due January 2026), which will be completed in ALA Apply, ALA’s grants management platform. Project directors should log in to the platform using the email address and password used to apply for the grant. If you have a problem accessing the final report, please email The final report collects information about program attendance, successes and challenges, and attendee feedback. You may download a PDF copy of the final report for reference, but please note that the report must be submitted online via ALA Apply. The final report will take 30 minutes or less to complete.

Need-to-Know Logistics Webinar (15:29)