Thinking Money for Kids Logistics
Tour Itinerary
A copy of the tour itinerary can be found here.
Logistics, Order of Events, and Checklist
- At least 45 days prior to your scheduled display period, fill out and submit the pre-exhibit form.
- Shipper contacts host site to arrange for convenient exhibit delivery and pick-up time.
- Check the condition of the exhibit as you unpack crates. If any exhibit parts or materials are missing or damaged, please notify ALA immediately.
- Once the exhibit is set up, please fill out and submit a completed condition report form. (login required)
- The first date in the itinerary is the last day the shipper is allowed to deliver the exhibit, although it might arrive before that date. When you are planning exhibit openings, remember that you might not receive the exhibit until the first date in the itinerary, and you will need at least a day or two to set it up.
- The last date in the itinerary is when the exhibit must close. Host sites are asked to have the exhibit packed up and ready to go by the date indicated for each site, so please allow time to repack it.
- Complete a final report form within 14 days of the closing of the exhibition.
Exhibit Shipping and Receiving
The exhibition shipper is Sterling Corporation. Cindy Callahan and Peter Gennaro will be the lead project managers on this tour.
Peter Gennaro,
Cindy Callahan,, 978.322.2692
All shipping costs will be billed to and paid by the ALA Public Programs Office.
Important exhibit display information:
- Because of varied delivery and pick-up dates, please be sure that your additional exhibit insurance coverage starts 10 days before the start of your display period and extends to 10 days after the last day of your display period.
- On the itinerary, a date is designated as the last day the shipper can deliver the exhibit (“Shipper delivers no later than”). The exhibit may be delivered before that day, but please do not plan programs on that day.
- You will most likely need extra help with the shipping crates, especially if your library does not have a loading dock or a delivery area large enough for a semi-truck to unload.
- You may schedule the exhibit opening whenever it suits your local schedule.
- You may close the exhibition when you wish, but it must be closed by the date designated “Display period ends.”
- Because there is limited time available to get the exhibition from one site to another, host sites should have the exhibition dismantled, packed, and ready for pick-up on the date designated “Shipper picks up on or after.” This does not mean the shipper will always pick up the exhibit on that date, but the exhibit should be ready to go on that date.
Shipping will ideally proceed as follows:
Sterling Corporation will contact host sites to arrange convenient delivery and pick-up times. Delivery and pick-up must occur during business hours (9-5 your time, Monday through Friday). If you have not heard from Sterling by at least 48 hours before the exhibit should be delivered, please call Cindy Callahan at Sterling at the following number between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday to confirm delivery arrangements: 978.322.2692. If you need assistance, call or e-mail the ALA Public Programs Office (see below).
Shipping questions:
ALA Public Programs
Phone: 1.800.545.2433, ext. 5045, or 312.280.5045
Exhibit Unpacking, Installation, and Repacking Instructions
The following are detailed instructions developed by the exhibit fabricators, for how to unpack, install, and repack the exhibit.
- Thinking Money for Kids exhibit setup guide and packing list
- Thinking Money for Kids dimensional plan
- Thinking Money for Kids Technology Troubleshooting Guide
- Download the captioning script to accompany the "Earning It" interactive
- Download the captioning script to accompany the "Let's Deal" interactive
- View and download photos from the orientation workshop
Pre-Exhibit Form
The pre-exhibit form needs to be completed at least 45 days prior to your display date. The form should be filled out online using the same e-mail address and password used to apply for the exhibition. If you have a problem accessing the online report form, please contact
You can download a copy of the Thinking Money for Kids pre-exhibit form (PDF) for a reference as you prepare your answers. The report must be submitted via the online report form.
Condition Report Form
The condition report should be completed online using the same e-mail address and password used to apply for the exhibition. If you have a problem accessing the online report form, please contact
You can download a copy of the Thinking Money for Kids condition report (PDF) for a reference as you prepare your answers. The report must be submitted via the online report form.
Final Report Form
The final report should be completed online using the same e-mail address and password used to apply for the exhibition. If you have problems accessing the online final report form, please contact
You can download a copy of the final report form (PDF) for reference as you prepare your answers. The report must be submitted via the online report form.
Programming Allowance Request Instructions
Libraries selected to host the Thinking Money for Kids exhibition will receive an allowance of $1,000 from the FINRA Foundation to cover programming expenses. Please follow the guidelines and instructions below to ensure that the library complies with all required terms.
Purpose: The allowance may be applied to costs associated with delivery of financial education programs, services, and events directly related to the Thinking Money for Kids exhibition. These include costs for program instruction, materials and supplies, marketing and communications, catering, mileage, consultants, and staff time.
Restrictions: The allowance may not be used for the following:
- Cash or cash-equivalent incentives or prizes. (Cash equivalents include savings bonds, gift cards, and similar products.)
- Computer technology, including desktop, laptop, and tablet computers and mobile phones.
- Expenses unrelated to Thinking Money for Kids programming, events, or services.
Amount: The allowance may not exceed $1,000.
Invoice Instructions: To receive the allowance, the library must submit an appropriate invoice to the FINRA Foundation in a timely manner.
- The invoice must be submitted to the FINRA Foundation no earlier than 60 days prior to the opening of the Thinking Money for Kids exhibition at your library and no later than 60 days after the closing of the exhibition at your library.
- The invoice must be on the library’s letterhead.
- The invoice should be dated and signed by an appropriate library representative.
- Please do not itemize the relevant expenses on the invoice, and do not attach receipts. Simply show the total amount of the invoice (not to exceed $1,000).
- The invoice must state the following: “For reimbursement of miscellaneous expenses related to the Thinking Money for Kids traveling exhibition.”
- Indicate the address to which payment should be sent.
- The invoice must be accompanied by a completed IRS Form W-9. IMPORTANT: The address on the Form W-9 must match the payment address on the invoice.
- Please email the signed invoice with the completed IRS Form W-9 to
- If your library prefers to use a fiscal agent to handle the allowance, such as the library’s foundation or friends group, then the invoice must be on the letterhead of the fiscal agent, and the IRS Form W-9 must be for the fiscal agent.
- Retain a record of all relevant expenses for a period no less than 24 months from the date of the invoice.
Questions: If you have any questions about the Thinking Money for Kids programming allowance, please contact the FINRA Foundation’s Robert Ganem (202.728.8362;
Exhibition and Program Evaluation
Knology is working with ALA PPO and the FINRA Foundation to study how Thinking Money for Kids advances the exhibition’s goals of increasing library patrons’ understanding of financial subjects, building capacity at public libraries, and advancing understanding of how to reach diverse library populations. The evaluation team’s goal is to collect data to understand the exhibition experience and learning outcomes throughout the grant period and provide feedback to help ALA, the FINRA Foundation, and host libraries advance their goals. We greatly appreciate your commitment to this work.
Here’s what you can expect as a host library:
At the ALA Conference Workshop in Washington DC (June 20, 2019): Two researchers from Knology will explain the evaluation process. Library representatives will be asked for input to ensure that instrument design is as effective as possible across all library settings.
Before you host the exhibition: A Knology researcher will share additional details about the evaluation plan during a “cohort convening call” with all libraries hosting the exhibition during the same time period. A previous library host will also join the call to provide guidance, including answering questions about the evaluation process. You will receive a link from Knology to your unique library patron survey.
During the exhibition: We ask that you engage attendees from at least 3 library programs in a 5-minute mobile-based survey. All we require is that you share the link provided and explain the value of program participants’ feedback. The data will be sent directly to Knology. Host libraries are also asked to select an interactive visual activity for kids and families who visit the exhibition. This will be something kids can do without a librarian present. We are providing three options for this activity. The first option involves a print-out asking kids to write or draw something they liked, something they learned, and a new question they have after attending the exhibition. The second option asks each library to create the outline of a tree on a wall or window and print the leaf handout in the attached file for kids to write something they learned and attach to the learning tree. The third option involves the library creating the outline of a piggy bank on a window or wall and printing the coin handout in the attached file for kids to write what they would do with $100. All the printable handouts can be found here. Next to the activity you select for your library, please post the IRB sign. Depending on traffic in your library, consider taking down responses once a day to once a week. Please either photograph or scan and send the children’s answers back to Knology at
After the exhibition: You will be asked to answer questions about your experience with the Thinking Money for Kids exhibit in a final report to both ALA and Knology. We call this the “Final Reflection Questionnaire,” and you will have access to the questions in advance. That way, you will know ahead of time what topics to be thinking about while you host the exhibit. We ask that all staff members who were involved with the exhibition and programs think about and respond to the questions together as a team, if possible. Please also upload photos of the interactive visual activities done by kids and families at your library!
Possible case study: Your library may be selected as a case study for more in-depth exploration. If this happens, a Knology researcher will visit in person to talk to library patrons and staff and attend a Thinking Money for Kids program.
Please download a full introduction of the evaluation process and Knology staff profiles..
<Thinking Money for Kids General Information