Sponsor and Funder Credits
“Soul of a People: Voices from the Writers’ Project” Online Site Support Notebook
Please use the following credit information on printed and online materials you produce for “Soul of a People” programs. Also see “Further Guidelines for Sponsor Acknowledgement” below. Libraries which do not used sponsor credits or logos as instructed may not be selected for future ALA Public Programs projects. Logos may be used by themselves if there is not room for the long credit on the publicity item.
Soul of a People: Writing America’s Story is a major documentary television program about the Federal Writers’ Project produced by Spark Media, Washington, D.C., and broadcast on the
Smithsonian Channel HD.
Soul of a People programs in libraries are sponsored by the American Library Association Public Programs Office with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities: great ideas brought to life.
Logos to use on publicity materials: National Endowment for the Humanities, Spark Media, American Library Association and Smithsonian Channel HD.