Research Revolution: Science and the Shaping of Modern Life

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Research Revolution: Science and the Shaping of Modern Life
is a film viewing and discussion series offered by
National Video Resources and the
National Science Foundation in cooperation with the ALA Public Programs Office.

The series aims to increase the public's understanding of scientific discovery and technological transformations that took place in the twentieth century. Understanding the historical evolution and the contemporary character of the "Research Revolution" will enable us, as citizens, to deal more effectively with the new choices that rapid scientific change creates. The project will help illuminate the organization and goals of scientific-technical work, the critical outcomes of research and development, the material and social byproducts of such work, and the ethical issues that sometimes result.

Research Revolution demonstration project offers 50 libraries the opportunity and resources to present a series of community programs on these themes. The programs will consist of screenings of award-winning documentary films, supported by scholar-led discussion and extensive suggested reading lists.

Six individual sessions will include films and discussion of such subjects as genetic engineering, the development of synthetic materials, military technology and the changing understanding of the human body.

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