Additional speakers for programs

Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women

Site Support Notebook

  • Your state humanities council has a list of scholars who have experience with public programming.
  • The Organization of American Historians also offers a speakers bureau (for a fee) dedicated to American history. Visit for details.
  • Visit the National Directory of Chautauqua Performers for a list of people who interpret historical figures (such as Louisa May Alcott, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau) in costume:
  • Valerie E. Weich performs living history portrayals of Louisa May Alcott. Her presentation covers topics such as: the Alcott family’s involvement with the Transcendental philosophical movement; Bronson Alcott’s progressive ideas about education; the Civil War and Louisa May Alcott’s service as an army nurse; slavery and the Abolitionist movement; the role of women in the nineteenth century; and more. Please contact Valerie Weich at 626-683-7038 or to discuss her program in detail.
  • Jan Turnquist also performs living history portrayals of Louisa May Alcott. Audience members learn about Alcott and her unconventional family and gain insight into important nineteenth-century issues. For additional details, visit