“Soul of a People: Voices from the Writers’ Project” Online Site Support Notebook
Information on the availability of the complete
Soul of a People documentary will be sent to libraries through the project discussion list.
Each library wishing to show other films or videos related to “Soul of a People” themes to the public must themselves arrange for public performance rights (PPR).
“Unchained Memories: Readings from the Slave Narratives”
HBO project presenting dramatic selections from the extensive Slave Narrative Collection through on-camera readings by over a dozen actors, interspersed with archival photographs, music, film and period images. 75-minute DVD at
“Slavery and the Making of America”
is a four-part PBS documentary about the history of American slavery from its beginnings in the British colonies to its end in the Southern states and the years of post-Civil War Reconstruction. Available in DVD or VHS at
Films based on works by FWP authors
Nelson Algren.
Man with the Golden Arm, A Walk on the Wild Side
Saul Bellow.
Seize the Day
Arna Bontemps.
Tuesday Morning Ride
John Cheever.
The Swimmer (starring Burt Lancaster),
3 by Cheever; The Swimmer (starring Alec Baldwin)
Ralph Ellison.
King of the Bingo Game; Ralph Ellison: An American Journey
Vardis Fisher.
Jeremiah Johnson
Zora Neale Hurston.
The Gilded Six Bits; Their Eyes Were Watching God (ABC, 2005)
Weldon Kees.
Approaches and Leavetakings; Hotel Apex
Sam Ross.
He Ran All the Way
Studs Terkel.
Working (the musical)
Jim Thompson.
The Grifters;
Paths of Glory;
The Killer Inside Me;
The Getaway
Margaret Walker
. For My People: The Life & Writing of Margaret Walker
Eudora Welty.
The Ponder Heart (TV, 2001)
Dorothy West.
The Wedding (TV, 1998))
Jessamyn West.
Friendly Persuasion
Richard Wright.
Native Son
Frank Yerby.
The Foxes of Harrow; The Golden Hawk; The Saracen Blade; The Gambler
Anzia Yezierska.
Hungry Hearts; Salome of the Tenements