Additional Fundraising Information
Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War
Site Support Notebook
Libraries on past exhibit tours have reported receiving funding for programmatic activities from the following:
Nonprofit sources:
- Friends of the Library
- State humanities councils
- State and local arts councils
- University administration (lecture series funds, events planning and coordination committees, dean of faculty, sports department, history department, African American studies department, humanities division, president’s/provost’s/chancellor’s funds)
- Community college cultural advisory board, educational foundation, contracts and grants department
- Local/regional/state family foundations
- County historical societies
- The Links, Inc. (organization of African-American women)
- Historical organizations
- Centers for the Book
- Zonta (national organization of women in business)
For-profit sources:
- Credit unions
- Computer networks and computer stores
- Target and other department stores
- Banks
- Auto dealerships
- Supermarkets
- Hardware stores
- Newspapers
- Utility companies
See the “
Bibliography of Additional Resources” for books about funding.