Websites with lesson plans
Manifold Greatness Family Guide designed especially for kids and families explores the story of the King James Bible from much earlier Bibles to its many influences today.
Ideas for educators: using Manifold Greatness in the classroom.
Manifold Greatness Online Resources for Kids: Includes links entitled “All About the King James Bible,” “Fun and Games,” “Family Time,” and “How To Videos.” Craft ideas and age-friendly information is available throughout.
Folger Shakespeare Library: Resources available for Teachers K-12 about Shakespearean literature and the life and times of Shakespeare during the writing of the King James Bible.
All the resources a primary school needs to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. This website was produced by The Stapleford Centre in co-operation with The King James Bible Trust. Additional resources are available from the King James Bible Trust website.
Bristol Diocese King James Bible 400th Anniversary Ideas: How can you mark 400 years of the King James Bible in a relevant and interesting way across the different Key Stages? The site contains a wealth of ideas and links to resources across the internet.
King James Bible Trust: Resources for Schools
Bible For Schools: This resource contains a wealth of material on the Bible and can be used in a variety of ways: As a celebration of the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, to create a Bible theme day (a celebration can be part of this), to enrich a unit on the Bible, to teach individual Bible stories, poems and texts, and to enrich other subjects.