Section 1: General

Dustbowl Exhibit Site Support Notebook, Section 1: General Information

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Questions/Contact Information

If you have questions about:

Exhibit Tour, Programming, Shipping, Damage:

Public Programs Office

American Library Association

50 E. Huron Street

Chicago, IL 60611

Phone: 312-280-5045

Fax: 312-280-5759

Publicity Review:

Host sites must submit--at least three days before printing or posting--all draft copy of publicity materials to the ALA. Please e-mail drafts to

Exhibit Discussion List

Dust Bowl project directors are members of an online project discussion list. As a member of the discussion list, you will automatically receive any message a member sends to the list. You may send a message to the entire group by sending an e-mail to:

To review information about how to manage communication preferences (change e-mail address, set to digest, etc.) visit:

The discussion list is a helpful way to:

  • Send program updates
  • Share ideas, resources, and helpful tips
  • Ask questions
  • Highlight useful links
  • Receive important updates from ALA Public Programs Office staff

Any questions? Contact the ALA Public Programs Office at

Use of NEH Award

All sites selected for the project will receive a grant of $1,200 from ALA, with funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, for expenses related to public programs. The programming grant from the NEH is meant to be used for activities and materials related to library programming only.

NEH funds may be used for the following costs: speaker honoraria and travel expenses; publicity expenses for humanities programs not associated with fundraising; acquisition of books related to the exhibit; humanities program mailing, printing, photocopying and telephone costs; film rental if the program is a film discussion program led by a scholar.

NEH funds should not be used for: purchasing art works such as posters, etc.; purely art or performance programs with no humanities interpretation; film rental for programs that are not led by a scholar; costs associated with fundraising activities; costs associated with social events, such as refreshments, decorations, costumes, etc.; children’s games and costumes; purchase of equipment, or insurance costs.

Please send an invitation for all exhibition opening events to:


National Endowment for the Humanities

1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20506

Exhibition Security Guidelines

Exhibitions may be displayed in a gallery or other open area in the library. No ALA exhibition is to be displayed outdoors or in a tent or other temporary structure. Supervision by a guard or library staff member is required. It is preferable that someone be in the room with the exhibition at all times—they may be performing other duties as well as monitoring the exhibition. If that is not possible, we expect that a staff member or guard will walk around and monitor the exhibit periodically during the times it is open. We suggest doing this at least every 30 minutes during times of peak library use and every hour at less busy times.


The host agrees to maintain responsibility for the condition of the exhibition. Sites will be held responsible for extensive damage to or loss of the exhibition when it is under their control. ALA is not responsible for personal injury or property damage arising from the installation, use, or defective nature of the traveling display. Minor repairs will be carried out and paid for by the project grant. The replacement value of the exhibition is $5,200. Sites must add the value of the exhibition to current institutional insurance policies during the display period or add a rider to current policies if necessary. Please take varied shipping dates into account when making insurance arrangements. Please forward proof of insurance to ALA no later than one month prior to the start of your display period. It is very important that we have this information on file for all host sites.

Replacement of a panel – $350 & shipping (full replacement would be $3,500)

Replacement of panel bases – $30 & shipping (full replacement $300)

Replacement of a shipping box – $300 & shipping (full replacement $600)

Replacement of shipping tray – $300 & shipping (full replacement $300)

Please note: the NEH programming grant may not be used to pay for insurance coverage.

Americans With Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (PL 101-336), which went into effect in July 1992, guarantees that people with disabilities shall have equal access to employment, public services and accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications services.

As public service providers, exhibition host sites must make reasonable efforts to give disabled people the same access to information, programs, and resources enjoyed by those who are not disabled.

Each host site on the tour will have varying capabilities for providing equal access to disabled people. We urge you to do as much as you reasonably can to make programs accessible to the disabled population.

Local or regional agencies which are responsible for services for the disabled may be helpful.

We offer the following suggestions to enhance the accessibility of your programs:

  • Allow space for wheelchairs in program spaces.
  • Prepare a large-print version of publicity materials and program handouts.
  • Provide for signing at programs.
  • Provide audio versions of texts used in programming.

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